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joshmillard dot com

Hey there, I'm Josh Millard.

I'm an artist and weird internet person in Portland, OR. Hibernating musician, ideological grouch about the corporatization of the internet, fractal obsessive, walking cluster of anxiety and ADHD and general neurological divergence.

Some of my stuff elsewhere:

art stuff

generative/programming stuff

Right now I'm trying to build a new website and blog with a static site generator, 11ty. Work in progress. There is, very inchoate currently:

You can email me at if you like.

Latest 5 blog posts

  1. Plugging away
  2. Larp Trek - Resurrection
  3. Quietly struggling with the magnitude of terribleness
  4. Hey, remember blogging?
  5. Hello World

Latest 3 artworks

325 more artwork can be found in the archive.