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No Houses
Homunculus XXVII
Homunculus XXVI
Homunculus XXV
Homunculus XXIV
Homunculus XXIII
Homunculus XXII
Homunculus XXI
Homunculus XX
Homunculus XIX
Homunculus XVII
Homunculus XIX
Homunculus XVI
Homunculus XV
Homunculus XIV
Homunculus XIII
Homunculus XII
Homunculus XI
Homunculus X
Homunculus IX
Another Shot
Homunculus VIII
Homunculus VII
Homunculus VI
Homunculus V
Homunculus IV
Homunculus III
Homunculus II
Homunculus I
For Dear Life
What Have We Done
No Please Fuck Sake
Pizza Rat
Biblically Accurate Jack-O-Lantern
Mental Illness Willing And The Creek Don't Rise
Circle Abberations - Chording, Diagonal, Oxbow, Recession, Trefoil
Circle Approximation I-X
Collatz ln A006884 2-10, Collatz ln first 8
Embedded Rectangles Red and Blue, Embedded Rectangles 2 to 1, Embedded Adjacent Rectangles 2 to 1
Offset Squares Red And Blue, Offset Squares Accumulating
Hitozemashi - Hatch Color Vision, Offset Four Magnitudes, Offset Marshlands, Offset Smokescreen, Pen Trouble I-II
Offset Sequence I-V
Sidecar 5 Iterations
4-Ply Sequence
Sidecar 7 Iterations
4-Ply - Distributed Color, Distributed Monochrome, Sequential Color, Decoherence
Television Fractal - Accumulating Grey, Accumulating Red, Amphora, Linear Progression, Local Color
Television Fractal - Accumulating Hatching, Nine Iterations
Embedded Rectangles - 1 to 1, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 2 by 2 to 1, Moire
Offset Squares Four Dispostions
Patron Postcards August 2021 I-X, Patron August 2021 I-II
Sum of its Parts I-III
Sigil Sum of Sums
Postcard May 2021 I-V, Patron May 2021 I-II
Juxtaposed Polygons
Inadvertant Argyle
Implied Circle I-VIII
Hexes Red and Blue, Hexes Interrupted, Heavy Tiling, Hexes CMYK, Hexes Patchwork I-II
Hex Septet I-III
Exclusion Zone I-III
Postcard June 2021 1-7
Patron diptychs June 2021
Postal Intervention
Unscheduled Calibration
Perturbed Grid I-V
Irregular Grid I-VIII
Eight Layers
Off-kilter I-IX
36 Hillsides
Landscape I-VII
Hangover I-V
Stochastic Gradient
Off And On
Hatching Study I-IV
Twelve Caterers, Two Caterers, Switching Knives, Caterers Within Caterers, Accumulating Regions, Shift Change
Speciations I & II
Near Symmetry
Chromatic Passage
Ann Marie
An Error Has Occurred
Striped Array, Bitfields, Offset Matrix, Sparse Ternary Array, Manifest, Catalogue, Compression, Bitrot, Quantum Superposition, Hardcopy
Calibration Data
Green Willow, Cool Willow
Two Lights
Two Encodings
Triangles 1-3
Three Scales
Three Colors Pooling
Six Lights
Random Walk 1-5
Triangle, Square, ... , Nonagon, Decagon Triple Spiral
No Observable Difference
Irregular Spiral I-VI
Hatching Interruptions I-V
From Below
Coprime Grids
Complementary Circle Gradients
Circuit in Color, Circuit in Black
Circuits Ascending
Circles 1-3
25 Neighborhoods
System A250001 I-XIV
Tetrahedron in Cube
Tetrahedron and Toroid
STOP permutations I-XXIV
Fogleworms I-XCVI
Recaman Sequence
Wild Trifurcation
When We See The Other Side Of This, I Don’t Know What We’ll See
When The ONly Thing There Is Left To Do Is To Wait
Warning Knot
Wait Til I Tweet About This
Three Rings
Thomas Dracaena Hit A Ground Out To Edric Tosser
The Damage That Accrues
The Cool S
Tessellation Weave
Summon Hedra
Street Lamp Tucson
Stay the Fuck Inside
Squiggly Halftone
Square Knot freehand, Square Knot laser score
Sorry But I’m Having A Hard Time
Social Distancing
Sky and Powerlines
Sidewalk Cat Tucson
Shai Hulud
Rhombic Dodecahedron with Air Plant
Progressive Bifurcations
Power Lines in Tucson
Pictnic Table on I-5
Nothing Valued Is Here
Moon and Crow
Menger with Shadow
Menger Sponges in Matrix
Menger in Green
Menger Sponge
LeWitt Vibes
In Blace No One Can Hear You Scream
Hilbert Accumulation
Hilbert 5 Red on Black
Hilbert 4th Iteration
Haystack Rock Cannon Beach
Haunted Doll Watch
Halftone Crow
Gunther + Bease
Game Is Simple
Freyja in Profile
Four Views of a Rhombic Dodecahedron
Extruded Hilbert Halftone
Esmer (Our Lady of Cadaverous Skin Grafts)
Don't Look
Distended Menger Sponge
Cube Animation
Crows on a Power Line
Crow and Checkerboard
Clackamas Is Burning
Charybdis II
Charybdis I
Charleston Shoe Thieves
Chainlink Fence
Cactus Tucson
Boundary Variance
Binary Sequence
Bend Over Back Ward
Ad Inf.
A Powerful Culture
502 Bad Gateway
Four Squares, Four Embeddings of Three Objects, Nine Embeddings of Four Objects, Twenty Embeddings of Five Objects
Borromean Rings
Distended Menger Sponges
and so forth and so forth
Circle Impositions I-V
Rhombic Dodecahedron
Hilbert 3D Isometric I-III
Hilbert 3D 1-Iter
Venn Diagram
Small Menger Sponge
Sleater-Kinney (Three Interlinked Wireframe Cubes)
Sierpinski Triangle
Rough Weave
Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron
Penrose Triangle
Metafilter Favicon
Menger in Two Passes
Hilbert Curve
Geometric Triangle 1 and 2
Cantor Set
2-Iter Menger Sponge
Sierpinski Carpet
Menger Sponge
Sierpinski I-V
Cantor I-V
Baby Yoda
...The Title Of The Finished Work.
...The Title Of The Finished Work.
Some Assertions
Red Squares..., Stripes...,
Path Tile Configurations...
Menger Sponge In Fog
Menger Sequence (triptych)
Incoherent Menger Sponge
Hilbert Curve 6 Consecutive Iterations
Hilbert Curve 4 Iterations
Circle Specimen I-V
Circle Bitfield Ascending
Bifurcations With Red Blue and Yellow
Accumulating Hilbert Curves
Red Over Blue And Vice Versa
Inscribed Squares
Inscribed Squares
Inscribed Rectangles With Paw Prints
Red Square 1-46
Pulsar 3 Gen
Glider Gen 6
Accumulating Quadrants Blue, Accumulating Quadrants Blue Yellow Red in Rotation, Accumulating Quadrants Red Yellow Blue
Inktober 2018 1-31
Trapezoidal Pyramids Side Section
Trapezoidal Prisms II
The Treachery of Matrices
Stripes with - Magfnification, Saturation, Rotation, Inversion, Incisions
Sierpinski in Dithered Blues and Yellows
Sandpaper Menger II
Sandpaper Menger I
Refractions II
Refractions I
Rectangular Prism on Isometric Grid
Quaternary Matrix Rotating Triangles
Quaternary Matrix Halftone Dots
Quaternary Matrix Color Digits
Quaternary Matrix Accumulating Color
Permutations of Two Sides of Rectangular Prisms
Path Tile Configuration
Unary, Binary, Ternary, Quaternary Matrix
Concentric Rectangles With Excisions
Colors at Different Frequencies
Accumulating Rectangular Prisms
Accumulating Sierpinski Carpet
Accumulating Bisections
Accumulating - Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons
Red Yellow Blue with Tape
Menger Transparencies
Menger Sponge with Tape
Yardstick Spiral I-V
Orange Over Black And White
Red Over Black And White
Cube And Triangular Gradient
Menger With Knife II
Five Concentric Wireframe Cubes
Six Menger Sponges In Transit
Buildings At - Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Midnight
Cantor Dust
Menger Sponge Concentric Diamonds
Three Orientations
Spiral Halftone
Volume Curve Menger I
Pathfinding Prison
Sierpinksi Carpet Concentric Squares
Rough Weave
Pathfinding Switchbacks
Square Twists
Conservation of Area
Three Blacks
Decomposition Dots II
Two Menger Sponges Interlaced
Clover Weave
Widening Gyre
Three Cubes
Sierpinski Triangle Isosceles Raster
Sierpinski Loop I-III
100 Days
Six Rings
Overlapping Circles
Nine Rings in Reds and Yellows
Nut Brown
Pathfinding Red and Blue
Iris Squares
CMY Quadriptych I-IV
Decomposition Triangles
Sierpinski Triangle
Halftone in Cerulean and Cadmium
Youtube Stillframe
Yellow Red and Blue Ziggurats
Sierpinski Primaries
Self-Portrait Huntsville
Menger With Knife
Menger in Perspective
Menger Glaze
Inversion Layer
Industrial Abstract
Green Twins
Early Menger Sponge Paintings
Decomposition Dots
After John Ralston
Self-portrait Living Room
Self-portrait After A Polaroid Photo By Tamas
PICO-8 Palette
Office Detail I-II
Menger in Oils
Apples and Bowl