Tagged “oil”
- Distended Menger Sponges
- and so forth and so forth
- ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
- ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
- Some Assertions
- Red Squares..., Stripes...,
- Path Tile Configurations...
- Menger Sponge In Fog
- Menger Sequence (triptych)
- Incoherent Menger Sponge
- Hilbert Curve 6 Consecutive Iterations
- Hilbert Curve 4 Iterations
- Circle Specimen I-V
- Circle Bitfield Ascending
- Bifurcations With Red Blue and Yellow
- Accumulating Hilbert Curves
- Trapezoidal Pyramids Side Section
- Trapezoidal Prisms II
- The Treachery of Matrices
- Stripes with - Magfnification, Saturation, Rotation, Inversion, Incisions
- Sierpinski in Dithered Blues and Yellows
- Sandpaper Menger II
- Sandpaper Menger I
- Refractions II
- Refractions I
- Rectangular Prism on Isometric Grid
- Quaternary Matrix Rotating Triangles
- Quaternary Matrix Halftone Dots
- Quaternary Matrix Color Digits
- Quaternary Matrix Accumulating Color
- Permutations of Two Sides of Rectangular Prisms
- Path Tile Configuration
- Unary, Binary, Ternary, Quaternary Matrix
- Concentric Rectangles With Excisions
- Colors at Different Frequencies
- Accumulating Rectangular Prisms
- Accumulating Sierpinski Carpet
- Accumulating Bisections
- Accumulating - Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons
- Red Yellow Blue with Tape
- Menger Transparencies
- Menger Sponge with Tape
- Yardstick Spiral I-V
- Orange Over Black And White
- Red Over Black And White
- Cube And Triangular Gradient
- Menger With Knife II
- Five Concentric Wireframe Cubes
- Six Menger Sponges In Transit
- Buildings At - Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Midnight
- Superposition
- Cantor Dust
- Menger Sponge Concentric Diamonds
- Three Orientations
- Spiral Halftone
- Volume Curve Menger I
- Pathfinding Prison
- Sierpinksi Carpet Concentric Squares
- Rough Weave
- Pathfinding Switchbacks
- Square Twists
- Conservation of Area
- Three Blacks
- Decomposition Dots II
- Two Menger Sponges Interlaced
- Clover Weave
- Widening Gyre
- Three Cubes
- Continuity
- Sierpinski Triangle Isosceles Raster
- Sierpinski Loop I-III
- 100 Days
- Weave
- Six Rings
- Overlapping Circles
- Nine Rings in Reds and Yellows
- Nut Brown
- Pathfinding Red and Blue
- Iris Squares
- CMY Quadriptych I-IV
- Buddy
- Decomposition Triangles
- Sierpinski Triangle
- Zenith
- Halftone in Cerulean and Cadmium
- Youtube Stillframe
- Yellow Red and Blue Ziggurats
- Sierpinski Primaries
- Self-Portrait Huntsville
- Perimeter
- Menger With Knife
- Menger in Perspective
- Menger Glaze
- Leslie
- Inversion Layer
- Industrial Abstract
- Green Twins
- Ghost
- Freyja
- Early Menger Sponge Paintings
- Decomposition Dots
- After John Ralston
- Self-portrait Living Room
- Self-portrait After A Polaroid Photo By Tamas
- PICO-8 Palette
- Office Detail I-II
- Menger in Oils
- Apples and Bowl
See all tags.