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Tagged “artwork”

  1. No Houses
  2. Homunculus XXVII
  3. Homunculus XXVI
  4. Homunculus XXV
  5. Homunculus XXIV
  6. Homunculus XXIII
  7. Homunculus XXII
  8. Homunculus XXI
  9. Homunculus XX
  10. Homunculus XIX
  11. Homunculus XVII
  12. Homunculus XIX
  13. Homunculus XVI
  14. Homunculus XV
  15. Homunculus XIV
  16. Homunculus XIII
  17. Homunculus XII
  18. Homunculus XI
  19. Homunculus X
  20. Homunculus IX
  21. Another Shot
  22. Homunculus VIII
  23. Homunculus VII
  24. Homunculus VI
  25. Homunculus V
  26. Homunculus IV
  27. Homunculus III
  28. Homunculus II
  29. Homunculus I
  30. For Dear Life
  31. What Have We Done
  32. No Please Fuck Sake
  33. Pizza Rat
  34. Biblically Accurate Jack-O-Lantern
  35. Mental Illness Willing And The Creek Don't Rise
  36. Circle Abberations - Chording, Diagonal, Oxbow, Recession, Trefoil
  37. Circle Approximation I-X
  38. Collatz ln A006884 2-10, Collatz ln first 8
  39. Embedded Rectangles Red and Blue, Embedded Rectangles 2 to 1, Embedded Adjacent Rectangles 2 to 1
  40. Offset Squares Red And Blue, Offset Squares Accumulating
  41. Hitozemashi - Hatch Color Vision, Offset Four Magnitudes, Offset Marshlands, Offset Smokescreen, Pen Trouble I-II
  42. Offset Sequence I-V
  43. Sidecar 5 Iterations
  44. 4-Ply Sequence
  45. Sidecar 7 Iterations
  46. 4-Ply - Distributed Color, Distributed Monochrome, Sequential Color, Decoherence
  47. Television Fractal - Accumulating Grey, Accumulating Red, Amphora, Linear Progression, Local Color
  48. Television Fractal - Accumulating Hatching, Nine Iterations
  49. Embedded Rectangles - 1 to 1, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 2 by 2 to 1, Moire
  50. Offset Squares Four Dispostions
  51. Patron Postcards August 2021 I-X, Patron August 2021 I-II
  52. Sum of its Parts I-III
  53. Sigil Sum of Sums
  54. Postcard May 2021 I-V, Patron May 2021 I-II
  55. Juxtaposed Polygons
  56. Irrigation
  57. Inadvertant Argyle
  58. Implied Circle I-VIII
  59. Hexes Red and Blue, Hexes Interrupted, Heavy Tiling, Hexes CMYK, Hexes Patchwork I-II
  60. Hex Septet I-III
  61. Exclusion Zone I-III
  62. Postcard June 2021 1-7
  63. Patron diptychs June 2021
  64. Postal Intervention
  65. Unscheduled Calibration
  66. Perturbed Grid I-V
  67. Irregular Grid I-VIII
  68. Eight Layers
  69. Off-kilter I-IX
  70. 36 Hillsides
  71. Landscape I-VII
  72. Hangover I-V
  73. Stochastic Gradient
  74. Off And On
  75. Homage
  76. Hatching Study I-IV
  77. Twelve Caterers, Two Caterers, Switching Knives, Caterers Within Caterers, Accumulating Regions, Shift Change
  78. Strooedcspurals
  79. Speciations I & II
  80. Parameters
  81. Near Symmetry
  82. Eclosion
  83. Chromatic Passage
  84. Ann Marie
  85. An Error Has Occurred
  86. Z-Index
  87. Striped Array, Bitfields, Offset Matrix, Sparse Ternary Array, Manifest, Catalogue, Compression, Bitrot, Quantum Superposition, Hardcopy
  88. Calibration Data
  89. Green Willow, Cool Willow
  90. Two Lights
  91. Two Encodings
  92. Triangles 1-3
  93. Three Scales
  94. Three Colors Pooling
  95. Six Lights
  96. Random Walk 1-5
  97. Triangle, Square, ... , Nonagon, Decagon Triple Spiral
  98. Patchwork
  99. No Observable Difference
  100. Irregular Spiral I-VI
  101. Hatching Interruptions I-V
  102. From Below
  103. Coprime Grids
  104. Complementary Circle Gradients
  105. Circuit in Color, Circuit in Black
  106. Circuits Ascending
  107. Circles 1-3
  108. 25 Neighborhoods
  109. System A250001 I-XIV
  110. Tetrahedron in Cube
  111. Tetrahedron and Toroid
  112. STOP permutations I-XXIV
  113. Fogleworms I-XCVI
  114. Recaman Sequence
  115. WTF
  116. Wild Trifurcation
  117. When We See The Other Side Of This, I Don’t Know What We’ll See
  118. When The ONly Thing There Is Left To Do Is To Wait
  119. Warning Knot
  120. Wait Til I Tweet About This
  121. Three Rings
  122. Thomas Dracaena Hit A Ground Out To Edric Tosser
  123. The Damage That Accrues
  124. The Cool S
  125. Tessellation Weave
  126. Summon Hedra
  127. Street Lamp Tucson
  128. Stay the Fuck Inside
  129. Squiggly Halftone
  130. Square Knot freehand, Square Knot laser score
  131. Sorry But I’m Having A Hard Time
  132. Social Distancing
  133. Sky and Powerlines
  134. Sidewalk Cat Tucson
  135. Shai Hulud
  136. Self-portrait
  137. Rhombic Dodecahedron with Air Plant
  138. Progressive Bifurcations
  139. Power Lines in Tucson
  140. Pictnic Table on I-5
  141. Nothing Valued Is Here
  142. NOPE OUT
  143. Moon and Crow
  144. Menger with Shadow
  145. Menger Sponges in Matrix
  146. Menger in Green
  147. Menger Sponge
  148. LeWitt Vibes
  149. In Blace No One Can Hear You Scream
  150. Hilbert Accumulation
  151. Hilbert 5 Red on Black
  152. Hilbert 4th Iteration
  153. Haystack Rock Cannon Beach
  154. Haunted Doll Watch
  155. Halftone Crow
  156. Gunther + Bease
  157. GJ
  158. Game Is Simple
  159. FUUUCK
  160. Freyja in Profile
  161. Four Views of a Rhombic Dodecahedron
  162. Flippie
  163. Extruded Hilbert Halftone
  164. Esmer (Our Lady of Cadaverous Skin Grafts)
  165. Don't Look
  166. Distended Menger Sponge
  167. Cube Animation
  168. Crows on a Power Line
  169. Crow and Checkerboard
  170. Clackamas Is Burning
  171. Chook
  172. Charybdis II
  173. Charybdis I
  174. Charleston Shoe Thieves
  175. Chainlink Fence
  176. Cactus Tucson
  177. Boundary Variance
  178. Binary Sequence
  179. Bend Over Back Ward
  180. Ad Inf.
  181. Activation
  182. A Powerful Culture
  183. 502 Bad Gateway
  184. Four Squares, Four Embeddings of Three Objects, Nine Embeddings of Four Objects, Twenty Embeddings of Five Objects
  185. Borromean Rings
  186. Distended Menger Sponges
  187. and so forth and so forth
  188. Circle Impositions I-V
  189. Rhombic Dodecahedron
  190. Menorah
  191. Hilbert 3D Isometric I-III
  192. Hilbert 3D 1-Iter
  193. Venn Diagram
  194. Small Menger Sponge
  195. Sleater-Kinney (Three Interlinked Wireframe Cubes)
  196. Sierpinski Triangle
  197. Rough Weave
  198. Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron
  199. Penrose Triangle
  200. Ouroboros
  201. Metafilter Favicon
  202. Menger in Two Passes
  203. Icosahedron
  204. Hilbert Curve
  205. Geometric Triangle 1 and 2
  206. Cantor Set
  207. 2-Iter Menger Sponge
  208. Sierpinski Carpet
  209. Menger Sponge
  210. Sierpinski I-V
  211. Cantor I-V
  212. Baby Yoda
  213. ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
  214. ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
  215. Some Assertions
  216. Red Squares..., Stripes...,
  217. Path Tile Configurations...
  218. Menger Sponge In Fog
  219. Menger Sequence (triptych)
  220. Incoherent Menger Sponge
  221. Hilbert Curve 6 Consecutive Iterations
  222. Hilbert Curve 4 Iterations
  223. Circle Specimen I-V
  224. Circle Bitfield Ascending
  225. Bifurcations With Red Blue and Yellow
  226. Accumulating Hilbert Curves
  227. Red Over Blue And Vice Versa
  228. Inscribed Squares
  229. Inscribed Squares
  230. Inscribed Rectangles With Paw Prints
  231. Red Square 1-46
  232. Pulsar 3 Gen
  233. Glider Gen 6
  234. Accumulating Quadrants Blue, Accumulating Quadrants Blue Yellow Red in Rotation, Accumulating Quadrants Red Yellow Blue
  235. Inktober 2018 1-31
  236. Chamelia
  237. Trapezoidal Pyramids Side Section
  238. Trapezoidal Prisms II
  239. The Treachery of Matrices
  240. Stripes with - Magfnification, Saturation, Rotation, Inversion, Incisions
  241. Sierpinski in Dithered Blues and Yellows
  242. Sandpaper Menger II
  243. Sandpaper Menger I
  244. Refractions II
  245. Refractions I
  246. Rectangular Prism on Isometric Grid
  247. Quaternary Matrix Rotating Triangles
  248. Quaternary Matrix Halftone Dots
  249. Quaternary Matrix Color Digits
  250. Quaternary Matrix Accumulating Color
  251. Permutations of Two Sides of Rectangular Prisms
  252. Path Tile Configuration
  253. Unary, Binary, Ternary, Quaternary Matrix
  254. Concentric Rectangles With Excisions
  255. Colors at Different Frequencies
  256. Accumulating Rectangular Prisms
  257. Accumulating Sierpinski Carpet
  258. Accumulating Bisections
  259. Accumulating - Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons
  260. Red Yellow Blue with Tape
  261. Menger Transparencies
  262. Menger Sponge with Tape
  263. Yardstick Spiral I-V
  264. Orange Over Black And White
  265. Red Over Black And White
  266. Cube And Triangular Gradient
  267. Menger With Knife II
  268. Five Concentric Wireframe Cubes
  269. Six Menger Sponges In Transit
  270. Buildings At - Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Midnight
  271. Superposition
  272. Cantor Dust
  273. Menger Sponge Concentric Diamonds
  274. Three Orientations
  275. Spiral Halftone
  276. Volume Curve Menger I
  277. Pathfinding Prison
  278. Sierpinksi Carpet Concentric Squares
  279. Rough Weave
  280. Pathfinding Switchbacks
  281. Square Twists
  282. Conservation of Area
  283. Three Blacks
  284. Decomposition Dots II
  285. Two Menger Sponges Interlaced
  286. Clover Weave
  287. Widening Gyre
  288. Three Cubes
  289. Continuity
  290. Sierpinski Triangle Isosceles Raster
  291. Sierpinski Loop I-III
  292. 100 Days
  293. Weave
  294. Six Rings
  295. Overlapping Circles
  296. Nine Rings in Reds and Yellows
  297. Nut Brown
  298. Pathfinding Red and Blue
  299. Iris Squares
  300. CMY Quadriptych I-IV
  301. Buddy
  302. Decomposition Triangles
  303. Sierpinski Triangle
  304. Zenith
  305. Halftone in Cerulean and Cadmium
  306. Youtube Stillframe
  307. Yellow Red and Blue Ziggurats
  308. Sierpinski Primaries
  309. Self-Portrait Huntsville
  310. Perimeter
  311. Menger With Knife
  312. Menger in Perspective
  313. Menger Glaze
  314. Leslie
  315. Inversion Layer
  316. Industrial Abstract
  317. Green Twins
  318. Ghost
  319. Freyja
  320. Early Menger Sponge Paintings
  321. Decomposition Dots
  322. After John Ralston
  323. Self-portrait Living Room
  324. Self-portrait After A Polaroid Photo By Tamas
  325. PICO-8 Palette
  326. Office Detail I-II
  327. Menger in Oils
  328. Apples and Bowl

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