Tagged “artwork”
- No Houses
- Homunculus XXVII
- Homunculus XXVI
- Homunculus XXV
- Homunculus XXIV
- Homunculus XXIII
- Homunculus XXII
- Homunculus XXI
- Homunculus XX
- Homunculus XIX
- Homunculus XVII
- Homunculus XIX
- Homunculus XVI
- Homunculus XV
- Homunculus XIV
- Homunculus XIII
- Homunculus XII
- Homunculus XI
- Homunculus X
- Homunculus IX
- Another Shot
- Homunculus VIII
- Homunculus VII
- Homunculus VI
- Homunculus V
- Homunculus IV
- Homunculus III
- Homunculus II
- Homunculus I
- For Dear Life
- What Have We Done
- No Please Fuck Sake
- Pizza Rat
- Biblically Accurate Jack-O-Lantern
- Mental Illness Willing And The Creek Don't Rise
- Circle Abberations - Chording, Diagonal, Oxbow, Recession, Trefoil
- Circle Approximation I-X
- Collatz ln A006884 2-10, Collatz ln first 8
- Embedded Rectangles Red and Blue, Embedded Rectangles 2 to 1, Embedded Adjacent Rectangles 2 to 1
- Offset Squares Red And Blue, Offset Squares Accumulating
- Hitozemashi - Hatch Color Vision, Offset Four Magnitudes, Offset Marshlands, Offset Smokescreen, Pen Trouble I-II
- Offset Sequence I-V
- Sidecar 5 Iterations
- 4-Ply Sequence
- Sidecar 7 Iterations
- 4-Ply - Distributed Color, Distributed Monochrome, Sequential Color, Decoherence
- Television Fractal - Accumulating Grey, Accumulating Red, Amphora, Linear Progression, Local Color
- Television Fractal - Accumulating Hatching, Nine Iterations
- Embedded Rectangles - 1 to 1, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 2 by 2 to 1, Moire
- Offset Squares Four Dispostions
- Patron Postcards August 2021 I-X, Patron August 2021 I-II
- Sum of its Parts I-III
- Sigil Sum of Sums
- Postcard May 2021 I-V, Patron May 2021 I-II
- Juxtaposed Polygons
- Irrigation
- Inadvertant Argyle
- Implied Circle I-VIII
- Hexes Red and Blue, Hexes Interrupted, Heavy Tiling, Hexes CMYK, Hexes Patchwork I-II
- Hex Septet I-III
- Exclusion Zone I-III
- Postcard June 2021 1-7
- Patron diptychs June 2021
- Postal Intervention
- Unscheduled Calibration
- Perturbed Grid I-V
- Irregular Grid I-VIII
- Eight Layers
- Off-kilter I-IX
- 36 Hillsides
- Landscape I-VII
- Hangover I-V
- Stochastic Gradient
- Off And On
- Homage
- Hatching Study I-IV
- Twelve Caterers, Two Caterers, Switching Knives, Caterers Within Caterers, Accumulating Regions, Shift Change
- Strooedcspurals
- Speciations I & II
- Parameters
- Near Symmetry
- Eclosion
- Chromatic Passage
- Ann Marie
- An Error Has Occurred
- Z-Index
- Striped Array, Bitfields, Offset Matrix, Sparse Ternary Array, Manifest, Catalogue, Compression, Bitrot, Quantum Superposition, Hardcopy
- Calibration Data
- Green Willow, Cool Willow
- Two Lights
- Two Encodings
- Triangles 1-3
- Three Scales
- Three Colors Pooling
- Six Lights
- Random Walk 1-5
- Triangle, Square, ... , Nonagon, Decagon Triple Spiral
- Patchwork
- No Observable Difference
- Irregular Spiral I-VI
- Hatching Interruptions I-V
- From Below
- Coprime Grids
- Complementary Circle Gradients
- Circuit in Color, Circuit in Black
- Circuits Ascending
- Circles 1-3
- 25 Neighborhoods
- System A250001 I-XIV
- Tetrahedron in Cube
- Tetrahedron and Toroid
- STOP permutations I-XXIV
- Fogleworms I-XCVI
- Recaman Sequence
- Wild Trifurcation
- When We See The Other Side Of This, I Don’t Know What We’ll See
- When The ONly Thing There Is Left To Do Is To Wait
- Warning Knot
- Wait Til I Tweet About This
- Three Rings
- Thomas Dracaena Hit A Ground Out To Edric Tosser
- The Damage That Accrues
- The Cool S
- Tessellation Weave
- Summon Hedra
- Street Lamp Tucson
- Stay the Fuck Inside
- Squiggly Halftone
- Square Knot freehand, Square Knot laser score
- Sorry But I’m Having A Hard Time
- Social Distancing
- Sky and Powerlines
- Sidewalk Cat Tucson
- Shai Hulud
- Self-portrait
- Rhombic Dodecahedron with Air Plant
- Progressive Bifurcations
- Power Lines in Tucson
- Pictnic Table on I-5
- Nothing Valued Is Here
- Moon and Crow
- Menger with Shadow
- Menger Sponges in Matrix
- Menger in Green
- Menger Sponge
- LeWitt Vibes
- In Blace No One Can Hear You Scream
- Hilbert Accumulation
- Hilbert 5 Red on Black
- Hilbert 4th Iteration
- Haystack Rock Cannon Beach
- Haunted Doll Watch
- Halftone Crow
- Gunther + Bease
- GJ
- Game Is Simple
- Freyja in Profile
- Four Views of a Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Flippie
- Extruded Hilbert Halftone
- Esmer (Our Lady of Cadaverous Skin Grafts)
- Don't Look
- Distended Menger Sponge
- Cube Animation
- Crows on a Power Line
- Crow and Checkerboard
- Clackamas Is Burning
- Chook
- Charybdis II
- Charybdis I
- Charleston Shoe Thieves
- Chainlink Fence
- Cactus Tucson
- Boundary Variance
- Binary Sequence
- Bend Over Back Ward
- Ad Inf.
- Activation
- A Powerful Culture
- 502 Bad Gateway
- Four Squares, Four Embeddings of Three Objects, Nine Embeddings of Four Objects, Twenty Embeddings of Five Objects
- Borromean Rings
- Distended Menger Sponges
- and so forth and so forth
- Circle Impositions I-V
- Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Menorah
- Hilbert 3D Isometric I-III
- Hilbert 3D 1-Iter
- Venn Diagram
- Small Menger Sponge
- Sleater-Kinney (Three Interlinked Wireframe Cubes)
- Sierpinski Triangle
- Rough Weave
- Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron
- Penrose Triangle
- Ouroboros
- Metafilter Favicon
- Menger in Two Passes
- Icosahedron
- Hilbert Curve
- Geometric Triangle 1 and 2
- Cantor Set
- 2-Iter Menger Sponge
- Sierpinski Carpet
- Menger Sponge
- Sierpinski I-V
- Cantor I-V
- Baby Yoda
- ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
- ...The Title Of The Finished Work.
- Some Assertions
- Red Squares..., Stripes...,
- Path Tile Configurations...
- Menger Sponge In Fog
- Menger Sequence (triptych)
- Incoherent Menger Sponge
- Hilbert Curve 6 Consecutive Iterations
- Hilbert Curve 4 Iterations
- Circle Specimen I-V
- Circle Bitfield Ascending
- Bifurcations With Red Blue and Yellow
- Accumulating Hilbert Curves
- Red Over Blue And Vice Versa
- Inscribed Squares
- Inscribed Squares
- Inscribed Rectangles With Paw Prints
- Red Square 1-46
- Pulsar 3 Gen
- Glider Gen 6
- Accumulating Quadrants Blue, Accumulating Quadrants Blue Yellow Red in Rotation, Accumulating Quadrants Red Yellow Blue
- Inktober 2018 1-31
- Chamelia
- Trapezoidal Pyramids Side Section
- Trapezoidal Prisms II
- The Treachery of Matrices
- Stripes with - Magfnification, Saturation, Rotation, Inversion, Incisions
- Sierpinski in Dithered Blues and Yellows
- Sandpaper Menger II
- Sandpaper Menger I
- Refractions II
- Refractions I
- Rectangular Prism on Isometric Grid
- Quaternary Matrix Rotating Triangles
- Quaternary Matrix Halftone Dots
- Quaternary Matrix Color Digits
- Quaternary Matrix Accumulating Color
- Permutations of Two Sides of Rectangular Prisms
- Path Tile Configuration
- Unary, Binary, Ternary, Quaternary Matrix
- Concentric Rectangles With Excisions
- Colors at Different Frequencies
- Accumulating Rectangular Prisms
- Accumulating Sierpinski Carpet
- Accumulating Bisections
- Accumulating - Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons
- Red Yellow Blue with Tape
- Menger Transparencies
- Menger Sponge with Tape
- Yardstick Spiral I-V
- Orange Over Black And White
- Red Over Black And White
- Cube And Triangular Gradient
- Menger With Knife II
- Five Concentric Wireframe Cubes
- Six Menger Sponges In Transit
- Buildings At - Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Midnight
- Superposition
- Cantor Dust
- Menger Sponge Concentric Diamonds
- Three Orientations
- Spiral Halftone
- Volume Curve Menger I
- Pathfinding Prison
- Sierpinksi Carpet Concentric Squares
- Rough Weave
- Pathfinding Switchbacks
- Square Twists
- Conservation of Area
- Three Blacks
- Decomposition Dots II
- Two Menger Sponges Interlaced
- Clover Weave
- Widening Gyre
- Three Cubes
- Continuity
- Sierpinski Triangle Isosceles Raster
- Sierpinski Loop I-III
- 100 Days
- Weave
- Six Rings
- Overlapping Circles
- Nine Rings in Reds and Yellows
- Nut Brown
- Pathfinding Red and Blue
- Iris Squares
- CMY Quadriptych I-IV
- Buddy
- Decomposition Triangles
- Sierpinski Triangle
- Zenith
- Halftone in Cerulean and Cadmium
- Youtube Stillframe
- Yellow Red and Blue Ziggurats
- Sierpinski Primaries
- Self-Portrait Huntsville
- Perimeter
- Menger With Knife
- Menger in Perspective
- Menger Glaze
- Leslie
- Inversion Layer
- Industrial Abstract
- Green Twins
- Ghost
- Freyja
- Early Menger Sponge Paintings
- Decomposition Dots
- After John Ralston
- Self-portrait Living Room
- Self-portrait After A Polaroid Photo By Tamas
- PICO-8 Palette
- Office Detail I-II
- Menger in Oils
- Apples and Bowl
See all tags.